Do you have the sharpest knives in the drawer? The single most important tool in the kitchen is a sharp knife. A sharp knife is a safe knife, since dull knives are likely to slip and nick the finger instead of the vegetable.
Bring in all your dull blades to Kitchen Conservatory. We offer overnight knife sharpening for $3 per knife (scissors and shears are $5 apiece). The knives are sharpened within 24 hours, including weekends (the knife sharpener works on weekends and holidays, too). And yes, we can sharpen serrated blades. Also, our knife sharpener can repair or replace wood handles.
Sharpen your technique in handling a knife in our popular “Knife Skills” class on November 6 or 7. This class teaches how to keep knives sharp, in addition to how to use knives. Not only do the class participants learn how to chop an onion, we roast a turkey and everyone learns how to slice a turkey — and then enjoy eating freshly-roasted turkey sandwiches. We also bake a homemade angel food cake just so the class can use our favorite Super Slicer. If eating great food and learning new skills weren’t enough, each class participant gets a free Wusthof-Trident paring knife! Plus, any Wusthof knives purchased by class takers during the class are on sale at 20 percent off the regular price. Wow!