We have an exciting lineup of classes through June! We make cooking fun and it shows with so many sold out classes! If the class you want is sold out, call our store to be put on the waitlist. We have also made finding classes easier on our homepage! There are six images on the right that will take you directly to types of classes. We change the themes on these as needed, but currently the images take you to:
Please give a big welcome to Lisa Allen Shropshire, who will be teaching cookie decorating classes, and her first class is on March 16 at 11 am.
Looking to brush up on some basics and essential techniques in the kitchen? Here are some recommendations:
Annual Seasonal Classes:
Celebrate Moms
If you are looking for a specific class, give us a call! We will help you find the class you most want to take! We look forward to having you in our kitchen for great food and great fun! All classes are held at Kitchen Conservatory at 8021 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 63117 #wemakecookingfun